Win Lacey’s Teddy Bear

May 4, 2022

Lacey Flint fans will know that Lacey has very few possessions (nothing she can’t pack up in a hurry for a quick getaway), a fact Joesbury remarks upon the first time he sees her flat. A short while later, after she nearly drowns in the Thames (read the book!) he sends her one…

“Joesbury hadn’t been back to visit since that first morning, but the next day, an anonymous parcel arrived from a German company called Steiff. Inside I found a brown cuddly toy with a bright red bow and an impossibly cute face. I had a teddy.”

Steiff teddy bears are a luxury gift, never to be wasted on young children, but Lacey fans who pre-order The Dark have a chance to win one of their very own. Simply follow the link HERE and post proof of pre-ordering. You’ll be entered into the draw.

Competition closes a minute before midnight on 25 May 2022.